Help and FAQ

Please see the following list of questions we gathered in order to make your experience with GolferOffer simple. If we didn’t answer your question here, please email us at is an online service that offers discounted pricing on rounds of golf in selected markets throughout Florida. We partner with Golf Courses to provide you with significant discounts off their everyday published price.

Most Golf Courses have an excess availability of tee times and therefore are willing to discount their prices in order to fill these vacant times.

We use a Voucher system whereby you purchase a round of golf and then decide on the date and time you prefer to play.  Redeem your Voucher (prior to its expiration date) by calling the Golf Course directly in order to schedule your tee time.

Nothing – all you pay for are the rounds of golf you purchase.

Once you sign up for GolferOffer, you will receive emails highlighting the golf course offers in each of our various regions. If you like one of the courses offered, click on the link to our website to review more information about the offer. To purchase, click on the Add to Cart tab and proceed to the Cart to finalize your purchase.

Once you complete the Checkout, you will receive a confirmation email summarizing your purchase along with your Voucher as an attachment.  You can print the Voucher at any time but remember, you must wait until our countdown clock for the offer you purchased expires before calling the Golf Course to reserve your tee time. Once you print your Voucher, follow the directions printed on the Voucher in order to redeem it.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Yes, your information is secure and we will never share your personal information.

You will be charged once you complete your transaction.

Your purchase confirmation email contains your voucher as an attachment.  Print your voucher directly from this email.

Voucher expiration dates are listed on each individual Voucher.

Since each of our partner Golf Courses have different rules regarding rain checks, please enquire with the course when you make your reservation.

If you feel you made your purchase by mistake, you will have three days from the date of purchase to request a refund of your Voucher.  You will need to send an email to to request this refund.

Absolutely!  In fact, you can buy each of your foursomes’ tickets in one transaction, print and then provide to each of them on the day of your tee time. Something comes up and you are unable to use your Vouchers, they are completely transferable to others.

Sorry, once the clock on the Offer expires, that deal is over.  But many other great offers will come your way so keep an eye on those GolferOffer emails that come your way.

You do not.  Each Voucher has an expiration date which requires you to use before that date.  You call the Golf Course directly to schedule the date and time for your round.

You can still play the Golf Course and your Voucher maintains the price you paid for it but you will need to make up the difference between what you paid for your Voucher and the current price the Golf Course is charging for a round of golf. You can discuss directly with the Golf Course in order to determine your additional cost.